Saturday, March 17, 2012

Returning Heroes Ball

As promised, I really did go to a lovely ball last weekend and wore my new tartan ballgown for the first time.  It still needs a lot of work (the skirt will get finished and the bodice will get a bertha and velvet ribbon) but it was serviceable for a first evening out and I had a lot of fun dancing in a whirl of red and white!
Returning Heroes is an extra-special ball, because it is the only ball of the year at which period attire is required.  It creates a really fantastic aesthetic for the evening, in addition to the friends old and new that were present.  Enough rambling, to the pictures!  I can't claim credit for any of these-they were taken by Antonia, and you can see more on her blog if you so desire.

My dress, as it is-I tacked on a black velvet bow so it wouldn't be totally plain

the remaining dance cards

dancing a German/cotillion figure called The Flags--you can read more about it here
pink meringues! always a highlight.

I borrowed a flag from the German and proceeded to be very silly

what a lovely group! they are dancing Les Rats Quadrille
whoops, so scandalous! but I really adore my scarlet tartan 
The ball was quite lovely and I look forward to finishing my dress before I wear it again!  In the meantime, I'm home to get some petticoats and corsets done over spring break, in preparation for picnics when the weather warms up.


  1. I love your blog! Glad I came by for a visit. Can't wait to read more adventures. Beautiful work.

    1. Thank you so much! I'll make sure and fill you in as soon as I have more to write about.
