Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Quick Hello

I've been neglecting you! For this I apologize...but I do have good reason.  I've had a busy month since graduation--I've recently gotten a job (and will therefore be living in MA for the next few years, hooray!), and begun the frantic Newport sewing binge before the dance week at the end of July, not to mention I've been hosting visiting dance friends, working, and adventuring!

Today I performed with the Commonwealth Vintage Dancers at the Salem Athenaeum before dashing off with a friend to finally see Brave, the movie I've been so excited about! I highly recommend it--the kids in the audience with us all seemed to love it, but the plot is really more adult, and so even if you don't have a young friend to bring with you it's worth seeing.
I'll do a more in-depth post about my skirt and hat soon, but I made the hat over spring break as a millinery experiment and the skirt before the centennial celebration at Orchard House.  I hadn't taken any good pictures until today, so now I can actually show you!  In the meantime, here is a brief peak into how I end up with pictures of my's a long, awkward process.

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